Deliverance FAQ

1. What is deliverance ministry?

Answer: Deliverance ministry is a Christian practice of casting out demons. Its goal is to help individuals receive freedom from demonic oppression. If you want to be free from demons, receive help only from trained ministers.

2. Is deliverance ministry biblical?

Answer: Yes. There are many passages in the New Testament where Jesus and the apostles cast out demons. There’s enough historic evidence of the early church’s involvement in deliverance ministry, too.

3. What is the difference between deliverance and exorcism?


Deliverance is a broader term that pertains to freeing a person from demonic oppression and inner healing. Exorcism is the act of casting demons out of a demonized person.

4. Can anyone perform deliverance?


The best practice is to receive appropriate training before engaging in deliverance ministry. This ensures safety and effectiveness.

5. Is deliverance permanent?


Deliverance may or may not be permanent. It depends on one’s lifestyle after receiving deliverance. Those who return to the lifestyle that caused demonization run a risk of greater demonic oppression. That’s why it’s crucial after deliverance to develop one’s relationship with God and grow in faith.

6. Can a Christian be demon-possessed?


If the term “possession” implies ownership or dominion, then no. But Christians can experience demonic oppression if they have never sought deliverance before. Most people I deal with who seek deliverance are born-again Christians.

7. How can someone prepare for deliverance?


Preparation often includes prayer, fasting, repentance, and seeking guidance from seasoned deliverance ministers.

8. Are there risks involved in deliverance ministry?


Yes. Without proper training or guidance, there can be spiritual, emotional, and even physical risks.

9. How is deliverance different from spiritual warfare?


Deliverance focuses on casting demons out of people. Spiritual warfare involves battling against a wider spectrum of demonic forces in various areas of one’s life.

10. Do all churches practice or support deliverance ministry?


No. Acceptance and practices vary across denominations and individual churches.

11. What signs suggest someone might need deliverance?


Persistent negative patterns, irrational fears, uncontrollable actions, hearing voices are a few signs. Add to the list undiagnosable health conditions, depression, suicidal thoughts, sleep paralyses, etc.

12. Can children undergo deliverance?


With discernment and caution, children can undergo deliverance. But it should be gentle and age-appropriate.

13. How long does a deliverance session last?


It varies, ranging from a few minutes to several hours. It depends on the individual’s situation and the level of anointing of the minister.

14. Is deliverance the same in every culture?


The protocol of deliverance remains the same. But there are culture-specific demons that need a unique approach. For instance, nordic demons are different from African demons or Native American demons.

15. How do I find a reputable deliverance minister?

Answer: Research, seek recommendations, and ensure the minister aligns with biblical principles.

16. Can someone receive deliverance from addictions through deliverance ministry?


We’re convinced that most addictions have spiritual roots. In such instances, when a demon controlling the addiction is gone, the addiction is gone.

17. Is there any scientific evidence supporting deliverance?


Unfortunately, most scientists don’t study demons. But many people testify their health conditions improve or disappear after deliverance. Some of them get this confirmed with their doctors.

18. How often should someone undergo deliverance?

Answer: It’s case-dependent. Some might need it once, while others might need several sessions.

19. Can you do remote deliverance, e.g., over a phone call?

Answer: Some ministers offer remote deliverance. But we usually do remote deliverance via video-conference. It’s more effective than by phone.

20. Are there specific prayers or scriptures used in deliverance?


Deliverance is not about praying prayers. Jesus gave us authority to cast out demons (Luke 10:19). When we follow a certain protocol, we command demons to leave, and they leave in the name of Jesus.

21. How can one maintain their freedom after deliverance?


You need to develop a strong relationship with God. Study the Bible every day. Pray and spend time in worship and fellowship in a faith community. Avoid companies and places that had a negative influence on you.

22. Do you provide training for deliverance ministry?

Answer: Yes, we offer training for individuals and churches interested in this ministry.

23. What should someone expect after a deliverance session?


Many report feeling lighter, freer, and filled with Holy Spirit. But each person’s experience is different.

24. Can deliverance be self-administered?


Yes, but there are certain difficulties associated with that. We usually recommended guidance from experienced ministers.

25. Is there a link between deliverance and healing?


Very often, spiritual oppression causes health issues, and deliverance can lead to healing.

26. How is demonization diagnosed?


Diagnosis involves discernment, recognizing specific signs, and sometimes through direct spiritual confrontation.

27. Is it possible for demonic entities to return after deliverance?


Some scriptures, like Matthew 12:43-45, suggest that spirits can return if an individual doesn’t remain vigilant and filled with the Holy Spirit.

28. Can deliverance occur without a minister, by the power of God?


Yes, God can intervene and deliver individuals without human intervention. But this is an exception rather than the rule. Deliverance is part of evangelism, which Jesus assigned human beings to do.