Affiliate Disclosure

Last updated: July 8, 2023

Our website, is supported by our readers.

We don’t place any ads on our website, and we don’t have sponsored content.

You might ask, “How do you make money?”

Affiliate Links: What They Are and How They Work

Some of the links on this website are affiliate links.

It means that when you click on them, they will take you to a website of a vendor.

If you make a purchase, we may receive a commission or referral fee at no cost to you.

It may lead you to think that we only recommend products or services because their vendors pay a commission.

However, that’s not how we build our ministry.

We believe that users on our website must have an opportunity to feel safe and confident in our practices. That’s why we only recommend products and services that we believe will provide value to our readers and align with the content of this website.

We personally use the products and/or services we recommend in order to give our readers peace of mind.

Your support through these affiliate links helps us maintain and improve and continue providing helpful information and resources.

Thank you for your support!