Are Demons Deities (aka Gods or Goddesses)? An Exorcist's View on the "Other Gods" Issue
Remember when you read the Bible for the first time?
Especially the Old Testament (OT).
You must have felt confused when you came across many passages that talked about "other gods" (deities, or divine beings).
Many scholars believe and convinced others that the term "other gods" refers to mere idols made of wood or metal.
Others assert that the verses that mention "other gods" in the OT deny the existence of such gods.
The third group states exactly the opposite. They are certain that the Bible mentions other gods because they exist, not because they don't.
I won't try redeeming these diametrically opposite views. In this article, I will present my explanation of the "other gods" issue as an exorcist.
What’s the Difference Between a Demon and a Deity (from the Perspective of World Cultures)?
The earliest known written reference to the concept “demon” dates back to about 6,500 years ago in Mesopotamia.
The Sumerian people believed in the existence of supernatural beings, but they did not recognize them as deities or worship them.
The origin of the word “demon” comes from the Greek word "daimon," which people in ancient Greece used to describe spirits or deities.
Demons were foreign and dangerous beings whom humans had to avoid or protect themselves against them.
The Christian tradition views demons as fallen angels who rebelled against God. He punished them by expelling them from heaven.
Nowadays, many people use the term “demon” to describe an evil spirit who may possess, control, and cause harm and suffering to a person.
As for the term "deity," for centuries, people believed they were supernatural beings who demanded worship as the creator, ruler, or other form of authority. The gods and goddesses of the world’s cultures are examples of deities.
From the standpoint of many cultures of the world, deities can be singular or collective.
People usually believe that gods and/or goddesses are greater than humans in power and authority.
Depending on the culture, deities belong to the classes of all-powerful or near-powerless.
They can be active in the world or completely uninvolved.
Some cultures believe only certain people can contact deities, and the rest of the population is beneath them in status.
Other cultures view deities as being present in the lives of everyone, but that they are simply more active in the lives of certain people.
There are many types of deities, and many cultures believe in more than one god or goddess.
What the Bible Really Says about "Other Gods"
When we deal with the concept of "other gods" mentioned in the Bible, we can't help but deal with such terms as "monotheism," "monolatry," and "polytheism."
The modern understanding of the term "monotheism" excludes the existence of other gods.
Monolatry is a belief in many gods but worshipping only one.
Polytheism assumes the existence of and worshipping many gods.
One text in the Bible that will help us understand the concept of other gods correctly is Psalm 82,
“God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.”
The Hebrew word for "God" and "gods" is the plural masculine noun "elohim." In verse 6, "gods" are called "the sons of the Most High," and in verse 7, they hear the verdict that they must die like men (humans).
If we go back to the argument that "other gods" are nothing but idols, why then does Psalm 82 call them "the sons of the Most High"? And, as idols, how can they die like men and "fall like any prince"? A prince is usually a human, not a handmade idol.
But if the word "prince" refers to a human prince, it still makes no sense, as the "elohim" mentioned in this Psalm are obviously members of the divine council (verse 1). Therefore, it can't mean a human prince.
Another verse to consider is Deuteronomy 32:17 (NET),
“They sacrificed to demons, not God, to gods they had not known; to new gods who had recently come along, gods your ancestors had not known about.”
This verse clearly shows that "gods" ('elohim') are the same as "demons."
There are verses in the OT that compare God (Yahweh) to other gods (e.g. Deuteronomy 4, 32 and others).
If other gods don't exist, who does Yahweh compare Himself to? The gods that don't exist?
Every time Yahweh compares Himself to other gods, He underscores the fact that no other god is equal to Him. No other god can compete with Him in power, wisdom, omniscience, omnipresence, etc.
Those demon-gods are created beings. Yahweh was, is, and will be from everlasting to everlasting, non-created, self-existing God.
Therefore, it means that there are no other gods like Him. And the OT supports this view time and time again.
Exorcist's Perspective on Deities and Demons
As an exorcist, I meet people from different cultures. I also meet people who familiarize themselves with cultures and religions of other nations.
When they come to me for deliverance (from demons), I give them a questionnaire.
My questions drill deep into their lives, as my goal is to find a root of their problems.
Their culture and ethnic background are crucial in identifying the so-called "strong man" (Matthew 12:29), the chief demon who is in charge of other demons and all satanic operations in a person's life.
In the course of my ministry, I've dealt with Slavic deities and demons (Veles, Domovoy, Leshiy (a forest spirit), etc.), Indian deities (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahman, Kundalini, Ganesh, etc.), Nordic deities (Thor, Freya, etc.), African deities (Python, Snake), deities and demons mentioned in the Bible (Moloch, Ashtoreth, Leviathan, Python, Jezebel, etc.).
Every time I encountered them, these deities and demons manifested as evil spirits whom I had to cast out, regardless of their culturally perceived status as a demon or a deity.
I don't need to distinguish between the two.
Jesus commanded believers to cast them out. And I do exactly that.
I don't care how they position themselves - a demon or a deity. According to the Bible, they're still evil spirits who ruin the lives of Christians and non-Christians. And they must leave.
Final Thoughts
No matter what angle you look at deities or demons from, as an exorcist who deals with dark spirits all the time, I've always seen both the so-called deities and demons acting alike. Namely, they act like disgusting, malicious, and absolutely depraved supernatural beings.
I heard them cuss at me, threaten me, and promising to kill their host, the person being delivered.
Regardless of how the dark spirits presented themselves throughout history, they are none other but demons who carry out evil intents of their master, commonly known as the devil.
If you have ever had supernatural encounters with deities/demons, there's a high chance you need deliverance. Such encounters usually result in demonic oppression in various shapes and forms.
Schedule your one-on-one virtual meeting with me today to get free from demons and lean on Jesus for your salvation.